Saturday, November 5, 2011

Revelation: Suddenly, a Connection

O. Mi. Gosh.

So, I was working on my previous post, the one about Love and Perseverance being a theme in the book The Road, and I was looking at a source, a review on the book, in which the author of the review strongly suggests that there are biblical references to the book (i.e. the man and his son are like prophets in a moral story, "Ely" is Elijah, herald of the Messiah, and the boy himself is "the 10-year-old messiah"). I was struck by these connections. I am not a very religious person, as mentioned in my post about the sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," but in my left-right notes (which are unfortunately not here with me at the moment) at one point earlier on in the story, I made a connection between the father and son and God and his son Jesus. Seriously, I did. I mean, WOW.

I don't remember what I wrote down, but it was some connection between the behaviors of the father and son and how they somehow seemed similar to those of God and His son, should they ever come down and walk the earth in the end. I'll go back to my notes and get back to you...Monday?

What really gave my mind a jolt was this part of the review:
"When they capture a man who stole their goods the father leaves him naked on the road to freeze. The boy protests but the father chides him: “You’re not the one who has to worry about everything.” And then the 10-year-old messiah, who is compassion incarnate, and carrying the fire, gives up his secret. He says to his father: 'Yes I am. I am the one.'"
So, yes. That was amazing. I mean, just this week I think, we were talking about how pure the boy was, even though he was born into such a life. And later in the book (I finished it; slight spoiler alert) the narration from the man's point of view (actually, third person limited) describes the boy as having "light all around him...when he moved the light moved with him."

I always wrote down how innocently smart and caring and amazingly understanding the boy was in my notes, and that kinda led me to my little note about the boy possibly being Jesus, reincarnated. The father himself asks Ely what he would think if he (the father) said that the boy was a god. I just...I'm amazed.

OK. I shall return after I get my notes back. ;)

[Edit: OK, 'tis Monday, and I haz my notebook. Here's what I wrote, apparently]:

"The Road" Notes- October 18, 2011
"RANDOM thought/revelation/epiphany: [OMG!] could the father be [seen as] God and his son [as] Jesus? & then the fear of the father dying could be lack of faith in him (God)...the world around him falling apart into winter, known as a time of sleeping. And the son (Jesus) can be interpreted as the young innocent boy who is just afraid..."
Let's see if I can remember what I was thinking in my delirium. I think...dang. I left my book in my locker. O well. I think (mind you this was way back in October) I was reading about the father and son, together and alone in a dying world, when I looked at their characters. The father was so wise and knew so much about the world around them, and I guess I really thought he was amazing when the narration named all of the different trees (because I thought he knew the different trees). And the boy was so innocent and I noted that he seemed to understand death. I connected their actions to God, being all-knowing and the father, and Jesus, being a young kind innocent son.

Another thing that most likely caught my attention at the time was:
"They walked out through the woods. The light was failing. They followed the flats along the upper river among huge dead trees."
That was most probably when something clicked (or snapped) and I saw the pair as God and His son Jesus descended from Heaven looking at the dying world as it neared its end, sort of a last look or evaluation on Judgment Day, if you want to really get into it.

I don't really know how to explain it very well; if I try I'll end up rambling. But basically, if you imagine the father and son as THE father and son, you can kinda see the father as a [dying] God and the son as a young, curious, innocent, afraid Jesus. I don't want to end up repeating myself TOO much, so I'll leave it at that. Use your own imagination and make your own connections.

PS: The whole "winter=sleeping time" thing was something I wrote down at the time. I don't know what it has to do with anything...perhaps the world going to sleep to recover and be reborn, like trees or flowers? Any suggestions or opinions???

Meh. That was just my wanting to get my ideas out there, once they really started coming. But I kinda got the feeling that this part killed the first part a bit...that's why this is hidden.

1 comment:

  1. I am proud of you! From time-to-time, it is all worthwhile. Share with your peers.
