Wednesday, December 21, 2011

[Attesting] My Strangeness %D (Music Review)

[Note: hah. This is a music post, and you're STILL not spared the words. :P To skip most of the filler, go down to the highlighted symbols. It's that easy. :) ]

Agh. I can't think of that one word for my it'll be blank for now, then I'll type one that has a blank, and then I'll keep this sentence here even when I finally remember said word. Mwahaha~

Ok. SO. We have to apparently do some type of music review, and honestly I kinda kept zoning out (I've been doing that lately), and Mr. M's words of wisdom and direction-giving. My apologies.

BUT! Here's what I got from his talk: I have to choose a song or an album of songs, and then--check this--WRITE. A. REVIEW.

*le GASP!*

Basically, I'll say whether it's good or bad or pure torture, and why I like it, blahblahblah...and possibly, explain a theme or something. Right, we all know what this post is about; all of us in Mr. M's Amercan Lit.

Those were his directions, more or less, give or take. Normal people will simply find a song and write about what they like or hate about it (Why did I think about Justin Bieber when Mr. M said we could bash a song that's seen as great?). However, I am NOT a normal person, and this fact will be supported by me blog post...becuuuuuz...


I can choose a song in a foreign language. YES! I want some things to be known, though...1) I do not speak the language in which these songs are sung, and 2) I will not be translating the songs..word for word.

Enough of this info crap--erm, stuff. I decided to do my review on this series of songs I enjoy, called "The Story of Evil," aka "The Daughter of Evil" series. It's this string of songs in Japanese that are put together by Mothy, or Akuno-P. I like the music a lot, but the best part of the series is how each song picks up and carries on the story of the previous song.

There were--WERE--originally 5 songs telling the story (here are their titles in Japanese and the English equivalents): "Aku no Musume"/"Daughter of Evil", "Aku no Meshitsukai"/"Servant of Evil", "Regret Message", "Shiro no Musume"/Daughter of White", and "Twiright Prank". There is another song that fits between Regret Message and Shiro no Musume (Daughter of White), titled "Re_birthday". However, that particular song is actually part of another album, although the producer says that it was an answer to "Regret Message." Also, I just looked up the series again, and Akuno-P apparently uploaded a new song, in EVILS COURT called "Wooden Girl~Thousand Year Wiegenlied~".

...Yeah. Don't ask. >.>

I don't think I have to tell you what the story is about; watch the videos, and you'll either figure it out or make up your own story; that's the fun of imagining. :)

The question is, should I find fan-made AV for this, or just get the original vids with English subtitles? (The difference mainly that the originals are sometimes just still, single pictures while fanmade vids are sometimes moving pictures). The story's all the same.

Meh. Both it is.

NOTE: I was able to get the videos on here, but the full screen option may not work. Click the link to watch on youtube and be able to actually read the subtitles, if it's too small to read here.

Daughter of Evil

This part is about the princess herself. She ruled with an iron fist--at only age 14!!!

Original (Akuno-P):


Servant of Evil

This one's about the princess's servant (as you can tell by the title). The servant will do anything for said Princess, even if it means becoming evil.

Original (or so they say):


Regret Message

After the fact (the Revolution and such).
Original Best One:


Regret Message's match. Made in the heavenly yard. :)
(Smile if you got it)

FanMade Favorite Ver.:

Shiro no Musume

This song is my absolute favorite out of all the Story of Evil. It's very well put together, and I like the music~. This one's from the viewpoint of a bystander ("Bystander" is the official English title for the song).

Original (and fave):

Twiright Prank

My...second fave? Also the one my dad refers to as "Nani Nuk ('nuke')." xD He's so strange...But I can't hold it against him; I listened to this song over and over for hours on end, and now he calls every Japanese song (or any song sung in an Asian language) that. This song is more of a flashback.

Original (and fave)

Annnd...I don't really care for the Wooden Girl one. It just came out recently, sometime this year, and for me the story stopped with the Twiright Prank. Besides, I didn't like parts of the music in the video. There was a choppy jump from this pop or rock sounding music to some softer, classical-ish music. It just wasn't blended well enough.

I enjoyed this post...Although I feel like I got off topic a bit... Oh well. Did you pick up on the story? Apparently a lot of people cried going through these videos.



Right-O. Now that I've given you a chance to be suckered into watching the videos and listening to high-pitched Japanese voices, I'd like to say some things:
  1. The videos feature the singers as the characters
  2. The Servant was a guy, in case you didn't realize, however...
  3. He is voiced by a girl (Asami Shimoda--Shimoda Asami)!
  4. The same girl, in fact, as the princess; they're twins~
  5. the singers are Vocaloids
Yep. In case you didn't know. I found them...somehow...on the internetz...And there are tons of songs by them, and different versions and covers of the songs made by fans and actual "producers" (I decided that's what the "-P" is for in several of the better-known music-makers' names). I'm a fan of only some of their songs; namely, the ones that can actually make the Vocaloids sound human.

Right... a Vocaloid is a virtual character in the Vocaloid® voice synthesizer program. That's why they sometimes (if not often) sound very weird when you listen to them.

DISCLAIMER: Just because I like these Vocaloids, it doesn't mean you have to like them; I took this post as an opportunity to talk about my enjoyment of them. Like them if you like.


"I'll be the day;"
"I'll be the night;"
"When we hold hands we make a beautiful orange sky."


  1. Not strange at all. A true lover of music listens to it all, discerns what he/she likes, and may or may not make a comment about it's value to them.

    I like the piano in TwiRight and the "acid" synth in Bystander.

    Are these songs performed by a band? Does someone ever perform these live?

    Props to your dad for being open-minded enough to let this be played in his house, car, etc.

  2. Actually, I think that somehow they have live Vocaloid concerts. The Vocaloids are holograms, though. The bands are human; if they're there. Hah; you just got me interested in finding "live" Vocaloid concerts. There was one in LA 2011.

    I think that anyone who wanted to could perform the songs live; really anyone can make their own Vocaloid songs if they have the program. That's the strange beauty of it!
