Thursday, December 1, 2011

Zero Originality: My Red Hunting Hat

"'My red hunting hat.' My ††††-ing red hunting hat." That's what this post was gonna sound like, but I decided against it. This is, after all, a class blog, and it's gonna be read by you guys at some point or other. The thing is, I'm suuuuuuuupeeeerrrrrrrrrr tiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrred. Stuck at school till late o'clock tonight, and--I could go into that, but I won't. Let me talk about my metaphorical head covering that is a shade of red and used during THE HUNT.

Okay. Lessee...Holden Caulfield had a red hunting hat, and Mr. M says that it's a symbol (that's what my old school calls these images that have a significant meaning to a story), and we described the basics of what the heck a hunting hat's (that's red) purpose is. A hunting hat was worn during a hunt, and it was a bright red so that other hunters wouldn't mistake the movement of a fellow hunter as that of prey and shoot them. Also, deer are color blind, apparently, so they (the deer) wouldn't be able to discern the hunters from their surroundings...

Alright. Some quick research, and the gist of it is that deer aren't so much color blind as they only see 2 colors really well; something about dichromatic and red-green color blindness like humans. Anyway, they can see blue and green really well, but cannot tell some colors from others, like a hunter's red from the green foliage. How we know these random facts about other animals' vision, I don't know.

I see the hat as a representation of Holden trying to hide from most of the people around him; to blend in or fit in, while looking for others like him ("hunters"). The "hunters" like him will be able to recognize him because of some quality that others can't see, yet it makes him stand out from those other people (the "deer"). These "deer" people only see part of Holden and are unable to make out that one other part of him that is so important. Make sense? No? Oh well. Too...bad.

Now, MY Red Hunting Hat, what would that be? I don't think that I have anything that helps me fit in AND makes me stand out to specific individuals. I think I'm...iDunno, boring. Anything some others don't have (an ability or mindset or something) they can see in me, which means either I'm not blending or they aren't my fellow hunters. I it possible that I'm a hunter-deer? I'm half and half? Like cream...

Man, if this post was about memory or word association, I'd KILL. I just go--WHOOSH!!--all over the place.

Umm...I'd say my "red hunting hat" is a hat full of sky (coughcough, bookreference, cough). And obviously not red, by the way (I liked A Hat Full of Sky; random book recommendation!!). A hat full of sky is an invisible hat. I can't quite touch it, and no one else can see it or touch it, nor can it be knocked off. Yet it is there, and it is there when it matters most, keeping the rain away from your head an such (I believe there may have been a wind use too, but cannot remember).

Maybe I have yet to come into contact with these fellow "hunters" that are so like me. Or, maybe I already have....

Sorry, this one was a crappy post; but I seriously canNOT think anything else up; maybe later....
OO! I just had a brief flash of idea. But it's very weak. But it's something. Mr red hunting hat (or part of it) could be some personality trait I have that very few people know about (and the others completely overlook it)...

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