Thursday, November 24, 2011

"11/18 Blog"


No one did or does either, I guess. Unless Mr. M told us to disregard it...which I of course didn't hear due to my lacking listening ability. xD I'll do it for the heck of it. A blog post's a blog post, and heck with it; it's a 4-day weekend (cough, cough, andEnglishistheonlythingholdingmeback, cough).

So, the topic of this post was supposed to be "Direction the Class Needs." I shall gloss over the fact that "you" is spelled with a "p" on Edline, and the other fact that I have suspicions that Mr. M even posted that. Straight to the point. Maybe. I guess.

Something about what should be added, subtracted, or enhanced in or for the clase. Hmmm...I'd like for the Journals to make their way back into our daily schedule. I mean, when we still did them, I got to WRITE. Not just answer questions, or analyze text, or do an assignment. I got to write how I felt about a particular topic, or I'd just write whatever was on my mind or whatever I felt like babbling on about. It was a source of freedom for me, and an opportunity for me to get back into writing for leisure. I liked writing journal entries in class, and I really wish we'd do it again, more often.

Please and thanxu~!

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