Thursday, December 15, 2011

Snow Should Be Falling. Like, Right Now. (Winter Poem)

Ho-hum. It would appear that every time I have to do a blog, I forget the little, important details that I kinda need to do it right and in a appropriate timetable, namely because I completely fail at time management and I never get my…um, 8-9(?) necessary hours of sleep. It's all school's fault, I tell you.

Anyway, I do not remember the specifics of this poem post; I'm pretty sure it's due tomorrow (that's silly; good poetry within guidelines cannot be completed so quickly), and it's something about winter and snow…?

Meh. I'll just write up a poem (haven't done that in a while) and add another one if need be. I love writing poems. Or used to, anyway.

"Snowfall" by TrinnBloom

Red mercury plummets
And down, too, the snow falls
Frosty flurries drift slowly
Riding wind
Cov'ring all

All is calm
All is white
All is quiet
All not quite
As it was before
Hustle and bustle
By the soft veil of snow

Snow continues to drift down
With no end in sight
Look up
Reach out
And catch
The flakes as they fall
On your hand
On your face
On your tongue

Cool and crisp
Crystals of ice
Last only for a moment
Blown by the wind
And piled into a collective white
No two snowflakes are alike
But suddenly no two are different

Down, down, down falls the snow
More on more
Build up
Ice up
Thaw out
And melt down

Then wait a little bit
Until the next snowfall.


  1. Unfar advantage? I think so.

    Just kidding. (: I just mean that you're probably the only one in our class who actually likes writing poetry. Not that I don't, of course.

    Anyways, it's cool how you captured the icy white of Christmas, and how you had that allusion to Silent Night. It was really descriptive, and I liked it. So props to you. I'm gonna go read some more of your stuff now~

  2. I gotta start by saying that your enthusiasm in poetry is possibly unmatched but contagious.

    Anywho, awesome poem, really creative way to capture the snow of winter.

    "And piled into a collective white
    No two snowflakes are alike
    But suddenly no two are different"

    Great stuff.

  3. Umm...Danni, I'm...not Zainab. But thanks, anyway? ;)

  4. Gah!! So sorry Alex!!Read zainab's then lost track and somehow thought she wrote it -___- ?!?!
